“International Conference on Interdisciplinary Management of Diabetes Mellitus and its Complications” aims to become a discussion forum and a meeting place for Researchers and Professionals in the study of diabetes.
It is notable that organizers desire to create an environment of excellence to promote original research papers in the field by organizing this Conference annually, through debate and careful analysis of the results presented, by active involvement in their implementation in hospital.
This year’s Conference aims to highlight the multidisciplinary character of therapeutic management in diabetic chronic kidney disease.
The main points of interest of this International Conference are the presentation of results and conclusions of research conducted by specialists in diabetic chronic kidney disease and associated areas, and the re-evaluation of interdisciplinary experience in these very important areas: diabetes, nutrition, cardiology, endocrinology, nephrology, neurology etc.
All accepted papers will be published in the INTERDIAB 2015 Conference Proceedings Volume. The Proceeding Volume will be sent for indexing in International Databases: ISI Thompson Reuters Database, Scopus, Index Copernicus etc